Jew-ish Artwork


What is being "Jewish"? What are Jews? What do Jews believe? What do Jews do? What's happening in those mysterious synagogues with all that weird language (it's Hebrew)? 

The thing about being Jewish is, you can't always tell by looking (well, not always), and as a teeny tiny minority in the world--only 0.2% of the global population, and 2-3% of the U.S. population--we often look the same, dress the same, work and play and eat right alongside our non-Jewish counterparts. And yet, somehow, everything really is different. The world looks different through a Jewish lens, even for those who aren't particularly religious, the ones who might call ourselves "Jew-ish." But it's honestly not that mysterious. Sometimes, you gotta just ask. 

If you're curious what it means to be Jewish, whether you've never met one (that you know of) or just wanna know how other Jews live, this show is here to demystify Judaism for everyone, Members of the Tribe and goyim alike, exploring and showcasing the infinite ways there are to be Jewish. Jew curious?

Join us to get a little Jew-ish! 

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Hannah Gaber
